The concept of The Forbidden Bazaar has grown over the past decade, but the original idea was conceived by Justice Draconis, while he was residing in Australia to visit family and study performing arts.
Added to the Bazaar team in 2017- Angela Higgins (Hazmat Circus), originally a silent cast member and aerial artist- in 2018 became the voice of the show, taking over as Emcee and Host.
The monthly kinky circus show with a rotating cast has undergone many changes, but holds true to the original form. To provide a safe and encouraging environment to express one’s self, to urge the spooky inclined folks to come out of their shells and create themed costumes, to showcase new and veteran local entertainment talent, and to give art/craft vendors a place to sell their wares to a diverse crowd of people.
We believe our patrons make the show what it is and we love having you all on stage with us, we thank you from the bottom of our little coal black hearts for supporting this weird show.
We couldn’t (and wouldn’t) do it without you-
After all…
You ARE The Forbidden Bazaar!